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Aztec Adventure British Canoeing Paddling Courses
Children's Adventure Courses

Children's Paddle UK Courses

Aztec Adventure is proud to be a Paddle UK Delivery Partner. Paddle UK are the membership body for England and are responsible for developing the sport within England. Today they are responsible for leading and setting the overall framework for all the National Associations and includes areas such as coaching, competition and representing canoeing interests at a UK level.

We offer a range of Paddle UK Awards starting from those getting into a boat for the first time to give you the ability to plan and undertake safe journeys. Right through to the Explore Award and beyond to the Personal Performance Awards. 

These are courses where you can drop off in the morning and collect in the afternoon. Alternatively parents and spectators can watch from The Boat Shack / terrace. 

Click on image to find out more information, availability and to book online.

Alternatively if you have any knowledge gaps, would prefer to carry out your training one-on-one or would like to train with a friend of family member at a time of your choosing, we can address your needs directly with our qualified instructors. Get in touch for more information.