Aztec Adventure aims to encourage the staff and visitors to help the company be more sustainable to enable us to operate responsibly in the environment. It is important to consider the longer-term consequences of any actions, not just the immediate economical reasoning. This is done in many ways:
• By managing 10 acres of woodland on site responsibly, it is possible to capture 26 tonnes of CO2. There is also a grassland area of 10 acres which will absorb 40 tonnes of CO2 each year. By maintaining the woodland and grass areas sensibly and not building over these areas, this amount of CO2 will continue to be absorbed each year.
• To assist Aztec Adventure to becoming Carbon Zero, Worcestershire County Council’s Energy Consultant has recently completed an assessment at Aztec sites for Zero Carbon Ready Worcestershire to help the Company make positive changes.
• There are plans to refurbish and insulate the buildings plus replacing old windows with double glazing. As well as helping to reduce energy costs, it is hoped that this will provide a better working environment for the staff and, also be a more pleasing place for customers to visit.
• All the old light fittings in the buildings are being replaced with LED bulbs and fittings. Many of the lights are to work on sensors in the future. Again, this will reduce on energy costs and use.
• Smart meters are installed in the buildings which will help with our sustainability.
• We are ‘water wise’. Our toilets and changing rooms all have self-closing taps whilst the showers have self-closing controls. All of these reduce water wastage and so are environmentally friendly.
• In an ideal world, our office would be paperless and so this is something else that we are working on. By encouraging customers to book online whenever possible, the amount of paper used will be reduced considerably. Hopefully, this will result in more trees being allowed to grow for longer and these will then absorb more CO2.
• Litter can be a huge environmental and sustainability problem. By providing both recycling litter bins and non-recycling bins that are emptied frequently (so not allowed to over-flow), our impact on local land-fill sites can be low. Recycling is always encouraged. There are battery collection boxes available as well.
• Staff regularly litter pick around the sites. This enhances the sites and encourages customers to recycle or take their litter home. By preventing rubbish or unwanted items from being left behind or harming the environment, the wildlife are also protected and safer.
• Aztec Adventure promote the idea and concept of recycling by purchasing recycled plastic kayaks and recycled plastic benches. By being forward and open-looking, the management consider new and innovated ideas to aid their sustainability.