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Royal Life Saving Drowning Prevention Week

Does Your Child Know How to Stay Safe Around Water?

There is nothing more devastating than losing a child, and as parents, we would do everything in our power to keep them safe. 

In recent years, young people missed out on the vital opportunity to swim, leaving a dramatic gap in school swimming and water safety education. With summer fast approaching, everyone is keen to get out and enjoy the UK’s water sites. Teaching your family how to be safe near water is more important now than ever before.

On average, 312 people accidentally drown every year. When a child reaches 15 years old, statistically, the water is more likely to claim their life. For every drowning death that occurs, there are more than 10 near-drownings, with many of these leading to life-changing injuries.

Drowning Prevention Week, the national campaign run by the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK), from June 15-22, 2024, aims to help everyone across the UK and Ireland enjoy water safely. Drowning is preventable and, with a little knowledge and awareness, can be avoided. The campaign encourages parents, schools, leisure centres, community groups, and businesses to use the Charity’s free online resources to teach children and young people the skills they need to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water. To access the resources, visit the Royal Life Saving Society UK website.

There are a number of things you can do to help keep your family safe this summer:

At Open Water
  • Check water sites for hazards: Check the safest places to swim and always read the signs. Take time to check the depth and water flow of open water sites.
  • Swim with any children in your care: It’s more fun and you can keep them close and safe.
  • On beaches, check tide times: Make sure that you won’t be cut off from the beach exit by the rising tide. Also, learn to identify dangerous rip currents.
  • Avoid inflatable dinghies or lilos: Each year there are drownings as people on inflatables are blown out to sea. Do not use them in open water.
  • Do not swim near to or dive from rocks, piers, breakwater, or coral.
  • Swim parallel to the beach and close to the shore.
  • Cold water is a well-known factor in many incidents: Always try to play in water where there is a lifeguard or supervision. If not, stay close to the shore and enter slowly.

Be reassured that all our water activities and sessions are supervised by our qualified team with rescue cover.

Our Aqua Park has been accredited by the The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) and is a Full (Gold) RLSS UK Industry Approved Aqua Park. With this accreditation there is a requirement for all equipment to meet EN and BSI standards. Plus RLSS Open Water Lifeguards are always on hand to ensure a great time for all. 

At Home
  • Empty paddling pools as soon as they have been used: Always turn paddling pools upside down once empty.
  • Always supervise your children around water: This includes bath time (never leave children unattended).
  • Use gates, fences, and locks to prevent children from gaining access to pools of water.
  • Securely cover all water storage tanks and drains.

The majority of drowning incidents can be prevented, especially with children. No family should ever have to go through the pain of losing a child through drowning. Make sure everyone is aware of the basic principles of water safety and help keep your families safe this summer.

The Royal Life Saving Society UK has issued the following advice. For more information and to find out how you can get involved, visit RLSS UK.

Ensuring that children are educated and vigilant about water safety can make all the difference. With the right knowledge and precautions, families can enjoy the water safely this summer.